Complete elevator Car Sensor Package

Making Prescriptive Maintenance Possible
Datahoist’s SOTL5 Elevator Car Sensor Package is designed to provide any model of elevator car a consistent sensor & communication package to enable predictive maintenance. Built with the idea of simplicity and ease of use, Datahoist’s patent-pending, predictive maintinence analytics can monitor your elevator’s operational data from our SOLT5 box and provide your team up to data predictive status. It’s perfect for older elevators or to provide a consistent sensor package for a mix of elevator models.
SOTL5 – An Advanced Sensor Package
SOTL5 is an loT solution built by Datahoist Inc. that detects and analyzes elevator health trends using car-top and door sensors to gather and process elevator performance data.
Combined with adaptive, self-learning algorithms our SOTL5 elevator car-top box analyzes and records sensor data and transmits it via cellular or network to the Microsoft Azure Cloud. Users have access to a cloud-based web user interface to view their data.
The system is fast and easy to install, learns patterns and alerts users to any anomalies it detects.
Datahoist’s patent-pending, advanced analytics tools use AI learning skills to recognize patterns that might represent problems. Our intelligent algorithms analyze hundreds of data points from the vibrations and acceleration of elevator operations.

Perscriptive Data Analytics
The Datahoist system learns to understand the specifics of each elevator car. SOTL5 tracks doors open and close, operational runs (up and down), and other sensor data. Using this data we provide critical key performance indicators to help ensure maximum up-time.
Elevator Operations Metrics
The Datahoist systems track the following elevator operational data for analytics:
- Consistent door times
- Consistent flight times
- Minimal releveling
- Signal Analysis/Fault recognition
- Motion Analysis
- Out of service state
- Not active when it should be
Mounts to Most Any Elevator Car
SOTL5 can be installed on any make or model of elevator car as long as the car has access to power and wireless data transfer capabilities through a local network with access to the appropriate cloud infrastructure.
Cloud-based data collection and analysis begins once the SOTL5 box is mounted to your elelvator car and powered. Data is transferred via cell phone or local network, as available.
Following installation and secure cloud software setup, SOTL5 starts collecting opreational data.

SOTL5 Installed on elevator car

Stay Informed
Our system provides an intuitive device status dashboard that allows users to quickly determine the state of any elevator or other monitored device.
Status is shown based on severity of issue detected and overall state of the unit. We use common green, yellow, orange and red indicators so users can quickly determine status and triage problems.
Our intelligent maintenance analytics system can also recognize when there is a pending issue with your equipment and help you contact a service provider before a breakdown.
SOTL5 is exclusively for elevators. The device is installed on the elevator car-top with discreet wiring in approximately 2 hours with a trained certified elevator technician.